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Revival JAPAN
Benedicts in Japan




Third generation missionary to Japan

Pastor of Nara Lifesong Church


English School Ministry "Kids Brown"

Youth Ministry "ZEAL"

Encouraging Young Women Ministers "ESTHER"

World Missions

Creed (6)
Olive (1)

Pastoring a Local Church in Japan


In 2012, God called us to begin building and pastoring Lifesong Church, located in Tenri, Japan. The city of Tenri was named after a religious cult. The cult of “Tenri-Kyo” has 2 million followers all over Japan, but the headquarters are in Tenri City. Out of a population of 70,000 people, about 30 percent are enslaved to this cult.


So far, Lifesong Church is the only church in Tenri City. Pray with us that the Light of Jesus Christ will shine brightly into this dark pocket of the world and that new souls will be saved. Our vision is to see revival in this city and the name of Jesus lifted high. As this begins to happen, it will be a glorious testimony to the saving power of God in Japan.





​English Class Ministry

Every week, about 20 students from the neighboring communities come to our church to participate in English classes. As they come to study English, we also use this as an opportunity to teach them the Bible. For many of these families, it is their first chance to enter a church building or experience the Gospel message.

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Empowering the Next Generation (ZEAL MINISTRY)

ZEAL is a ministry to help empower the next generation by holding youth camps and gatherings in Japan. About 20 local churches unite together to participate in this ministry to encourage young people to serve the Lord.

In many churches, there are less and less young Christians. For many of them, it's challenging to keep their faith without having good Christian friends. By hosting youth camps and gatherings, we help them to develop relationships with believers from other churches. We also encourage them to get baptized and to continue being a faithful witness for Christ.


Encouraging Young Women Leaders (ESTHER MINISTRY)

ESTHER is a ministry to help young women leaders. Izumi started this ministry in 2019 as she began noticing that many women leaders had begun experiencing burn out. Many of the pastor’s wives are facing challenging situations both financially and culturally. ESTHER ministry hosts monthly prayer meetings to provide encouragement and prayer for one another. We have been hearing amazing testimonies of God lifting up young leaders through this ministry.


World Missions 

One of our visions is to send out missionaries from Japan. In cooperation with the mission organization “InterCP”, we host missions training programs and short-term mission trips. We have been involved with missions work in Mexico, Russia, Costa Rica, Cambodia, Turkey and Egypt. We also provide monthly support for missions work in Egypt. As we respond to the words of Jesus, we want to be actively engaged in the Great Commission around the world.


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